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Our Dogs

My name is Sanskrit for ‘first born’ as I was the first puppy born in the 'ABC-litter'. I’m really easy-going and a little goofy, like my mum Saiho. When I was younger my nickname was ‘ADHD’. These days I am enjoying my retirement with easy lazy days.

I was the second born of Saiho's litter. My name means ‘brown,’ which I was when I was born, but I grew up to be much lighter, with beautiful blue eyes. My brother, Aadi, is my best friend and I have always lived with him. I’m a little bashful and like my own space.

I was the only girl in the 'ABC-litter' so I know how to stand up for myself having grown up with four brothers. I’m a sweet girl and love it if you take me walking with you in the forest.

I was Saiho's fourth born, and in my time was one of the strongest wheel dogs in the kennel.
I’m more timid than my other brothers, and I am especially scared of snowmobiles! I love living with my brother Eemil and we still love going for hiking adventures in the forest if the opportunity arises.
I’m more timid than my other brothers, and I am especially scared of snowmobiles! I love living with my brother Eemil and we still love going for hiking adventures in the forest if the opportunity arises.

My name means eager and friendly and I was the last-born puppy born in the ABC litter. I certainly was an eager sled-dog in my time but I prefer my brother Davin’s company to human's. These days I am also enjoying my retirement with easy lazy days.

I am an easy-going dog and have been running for many years. I am very calm and gentle these days, although I used to be a bit too interested in the girls. As this was quite a problem, a small operation was needed and now I live happily ever after with my BFF Tupla.

I am an extremely valuable member of the main team, and have been running in lead for many years. I am very calm and obedient, and proud of my boys, Loiste and Liekki, who are fine sled dogs. We have always lived together – that way I can be sure they don’t get up to any mischief.

I am a beautiful boy from the ‘G-litter,’ all named after silver screen film stars, but I’m a little shy. All of us got our looks from mum and dad, Sigga and Uhku, but I’m a different colour: creamy white. I am good as a leader and know my directions very well, but I get a bit frightened with loud noises and unfamiliar people.

I can get a little over enthusiastic - particularly at feeding time - when I like to tell Nanuk off very loudly, but deep down I’m a big softy and love lots of hugs and kisses. I am the proud mum of Unna.

I am named after Ginger Rogers, and I am pretty and graceful like her. I’m obedient and easy to handle although occasionally a little grumpy. I mostly run in lead with Greta. I am the mother of the ‘P-litter’ and grandmother of Uffe.

I returned to my home kennel after living elsewhere for a few years. I love it here and charm anyone who comes near my kennel. I live with Ukko–Njord and he is my new best friend. We love it when you come to visit us and we think we give the best cuddles.

I am named after Greta Garbo, and like a film star, I can be a little diva. I know that I am beautiful and I love attention. I’m smaller than my sisters Gina, Ginger and Gloria, but I’m still really strong and fast. I run in lead with Ginger and we are very smart, never taking the wrong turn.

I am the biggest dog in the kennel, a real ‘BFG’. In winter I love to carve out a hole in the snow on top of my box and sit there to keep an eye on all that’s going on around the yard. Before I retired, I ran in wheel in the main team, and was really strong. I never stopped pulling over the longest distances. Nowadays, Hera and I enjoy our time with guests who come to say hello.

If the kennel was a monarchy, I would undoubtedly be its queen. I am a very beautiful husky, and until I retired was one of the hardest workers. I can be a bit grumpy with other females, so I usually ran with males. I am the mother of the four-strong ‘N-litter’ and the nine-strong ‘R-litter’!

I am a friendly chap but a little impatient, so I find it hard to keep still, even as I get older. I was a valuable member of the lead team for many years and also ran in mid-distance races along with my brothers Hyrrä and Hapsu, before we all retired. I live with my good friend Sievä.

In my time I was one of the best lead dogs in the kennel and I took my work very seriously. I am proud to say I was a member of several race teams. I am a little shy with people, pretty easy going with the other dogs, and a real gentleman to the ladies. Retirement is good and Suohpan and I now enjoy taking things at a gentler pace.

Iduna 18/09/2010
Seemi and Sarmi are the parents of us, the "I-litter". I am a beautiful girl with clear blue eyes and I love to sing to whoever visits me. I am incredibly easy going and I get on with most dogs and have made many doggie friends over the years.

Iidda 18/09/2010
I’m a slim, sleek husky from the ‘I’ litter and can be a little apprehensive of new situations and strange people, but once I realize there is no threat I am very affectionate and friendly. I like to eat much more than a dog my size usually would and I’m lucky as I never get fat, despite it! I usually run in the ‘White Team.’

Iinna 18/09/2010
I’m a pretty little lady and have always loved living with my brother Iisku. You need to keep a close eye on me while I’m waiting in the lines before we run as I have been known to slip out of my harness and collar in an instant and take off down the track. These days however the easier life beckons.

Iisku 18/09/2010
I am a beautiful boy and I love human company but sometimes this is hard for people to see amidst all my excitement – in fact you will probably just think I’m wild and crazy. I once climbed out of my cage to visit Sigga and 9 weeks later I was the proud father of two little puppies, Monty & Marley.

Imba 18/09/2010
I’m the biggest dog in my litter and I looked like a polar bear cub when I was born. I’m a strong boy and usually run as a wheel dog. I like food a lot, so it’s lucky that my sister Ingir does not mind ‘sharing’ her dinner with me sometimes.

Ingir 18/09/2010
I usually run in with my brother Imba and I am quite strong for a girl. Even though Imba always tries to steal my food, I'm ok with sharing it and we never fight. We love to share the same box too on cold nights.

Janihta 27/11/2010
I am one of Seemi and Sievä’s ‘J-litter’. I love attention and have a smiley, happy face. I’m slightly hyperactive and always curious about what’s going on around me. I am semi-retired and feel the pace nowadays. Shorter runs are still fun though. I live with Ozzy and we like to share a box when the weather gets cold outside.

Jompa 27/11/2010
I’m quite a shy boy and get along with just about everyone. I have the nickname ‘chomper’ as I can chew through collars, harnesses and lines - in fact everything that looks edible to me! I had the chance to run in a couple of races in 2017 was proud to bring my team to the finish line, leading on my own from the front.

Julja 27/11/2010
I’m a pretty girl and I love to run, although age has caught up with me and I am happy now to go for gentle walks. I’m proud to say I made it into a race team in 2017, and have also done well at dog shows - I know I’ve got what it takes.
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